Privacy Statement
Colleen Respondek
Poulton Respondek Clinical Psychology, Nowra NSW Australia
Colleen Respondek and Poulton Respondek Clinical Psychology are committed to the privacy and safety of our visitors. Poulton Respondek Clinical Psychology provides strict privacy for our clients. As a client, all information you supply to Poulton Respondek Clinical Psychology will be treated as confidential. You are protected by both our policies, code of ethics, and by the law. We also ensure the privacy of visitors to this website. Information about users of this website will not be disclosed in any manner to any other parties.
If you contact us through this website, we may contact you ourselves with relevant information, but we do not provide any information supplied on webform to any outside organisation for any reason (other than where we may be required to by law). We reserve the right to obtain information upon any attempted access to this site that raises security issues, or where it is reasonable to believe that a breach of the law is being or has been committed.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy or our use of information gathered through our website, please contact our webmaster at colleen@poultonpsychology.com.au